Confidence is a habit, just like getting dressed in the morning . Learn how to cultivate ways to brighten your day as your Confidence grows.

5 Ways Confident Speaking Will Brighten Your Day

1. You will be fabulous

Speaking confidently is a ?must-have? accessory and being confident is the best make up you can wear. That inner glow will put a spring in your step, you will stand taller, breathe more deeply which allows your confidence to shine.

 2. You are able to express yourself easily and effortlessly

Being able to collect your thoughts then express them is not always an easy thing to do whether the situation is social or a formal. When you speak with confidence the brain clicks in to support you and the words flow.

3. Honour Your Confidence

The basis of confident speaking is confidence, in yourself, to speak out and express yourself. And confidence is a habit?just like getting dressed every morning?I bet you didn?t forget to get dressed when you got up today? did you? The more exercise your confidence, the easier it is and the better you become.

 4. Your nerves work with you

You have all heard the phrase ?getting your butterflies to fly in formation?. It is not about squashing them or deleting them. It is about re-directing that nervous energy into working with you to add fire and spice to your presentation.

 5. Your motivation will soar

Have you ever noticed that when you are in the space, all is going well, you are feeling confident, you bound out of bed and can?t wait to get started? When your confidence in you grows and your speaking becomes more confident, then you start making your difference. That is what gives that extra zing to your motivation level.

If fear of speaking is holding you back then you are in the right place?and you would like to have confident speaking brighten your day? then my Confident Speakers Program may be just what you are looking for.

Who would attend? Women, maybe you or someone you know to increase your confidence, have fun and learn techniques to impact more people with your message as you communicate and connect more effectively.

Be brave, step up and brighten your life?contact Di 0409 638 248 or for further information.

 If this post touches your heart and you would like to know more or stay in contact, here are some ways that you can do that.:

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2.Check out my book 'Speak Out' from suppression to expression or for those who wish to be fully self expressed. What you would want to know is that this book is a wonderful combination of storytelling, strategies and action steps. It is an elixir for all kinds of emotional ailments and guides you to connect with eh knowing that you are worth it. Knowing that your voice matters enables you to engage and upgrade your thinking.